Ex.2. The following words can be used in more than one way. Underline the correct part of speech for each word as it is used in the text

1. sign a) noun b) verb
2. trade a) noun b) verb
3. transfer a) noun b) verb
4. increase a) noun b) verb
5. benefit a) noun b) verb
6. travel a) noun b) verb
7. price a) noun b) verb
8. fund a) noun b) verb
9. cost a) noun b) verb


Ex.3. Give the English for:

єдина європейська валюта, стабільна валюта; всесвітня торгівля; Європейський союз; приваблива для інвесторів; перевага; вартість угоди; прозора різниця в цінах; мандрувати; скасувати механізм обміну валюти; знижувати вартість; переказ грошей; купівельна спроможність; зайнятість; усталене економічне зростання.


Ex.4. Match words from list A with words from list B that have a similar meaning:

single sign stable attractive advantage transaction obvious abolish cancel evident deal benefit interesting steady symbol sole


Ex.5. Find suitable opposites to the following words:

general; to stop; attractive; stable; dependent; advantage; employment; hidden; to establish; in general.


Ex.6. Match the nouns in the left-hand column with the verbs in the right-hand column:

    currency     transaction     cost make handle negotiate cancel cut compute increase determine control convert devaluate exchange


Ex.7. Look at the words and phrases in the box. Match them with the correct definition from the list below:



1. a free trade association with a common currency and unrestricted movement of capital goods and people between countries;

2. the unit of currency of the European Union;

3. the coins and banknotes that belong to a particular country;

4. money that can be exchanged for the currency of another country;

5. the price of something;

6. the rise in prices resulting from an increase in demand for goods and services and lowering of currency’s value;

7. a person who puts money into a business idea or activity in the hopes of making more money if the idea is successful;

8. a group of countries in Europe working to create a stronger world market for European goods and services;

9. gain, positive result;

10. the amount of money that a person, an organization or a country has to buy goods and services;

11. the amount of money spent on a piece of business done;


Ex.8. Write the appropriate word or phrase in the following spaces. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. A … leads to greater economic and monetary integration.

2. In the EU all business going through banks is now transacted in … .

3. The advantages of the single European currency are … .

4. The tourist changed a traveller’s cheque into local … .

5. Increased incomes have led to increased … in the country.

6. This contract is very attractive to our company. It has many … .

7. We had to increase prices last year just to cover our … of doing business.

8. The government … the tax on food.

9. My life is more … since I found a job.

10. It is … that the single market will work much better with a … .

single currency; obvious; stable; abolished; costs; advantages; currency; euros; single market, purchasing power, transparent.


Ex.9. Fill in the missing prepositions.

The Euro

The euro is the unit … currency … the European Union. It has real practical advantage. … example, it is easy to compare prices … the same goods … different member states. It is easier to spot the bargains … other countries and to buy there, … mail order or … shopping … the Internet.

Another benefit is obvious when you travel … the EU as you do not have to keep changing money and paying the charges.

Europe’s economy is now built … a single market and the single market will work much better … a single currency.

(of (2), for (2), in (2), on (2), through (2), around, with)


Ex.10. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. See how you translate the words “advantage” and “disadvantage”.

1. The greater experience of our company gives us an advantage over our competitors.

2. The high cost of living is a disadvantage to living in a big city.

3. Our product is cheaper than the other, so we have an advantage.

4. I will take advantage of my business trip to London to see the beautiful sights.

5. Many of the disadvantages of the project were quite clear.

6. She had all the advantages in life, such as wealthy parents and first-rate education.

7. This contract has many advantages.

8. The salesperson took advantage of me by charging me too much.

9. His inability to speak English puts him at a disadvantage when he attends international conferences.

10. He always takes full advantage of the mistakes made by his rivals.


Exercises in Comprehension


Ex.1. Answer the following questions:

1. When was the single European currency launched?

2. Why is the euro attractive to international investors?

3. Does a single European currency have any benefits?

4. How does the euro make commerce within the EU easier?

5. What provides for lower transaction cost?

6. What does the single currency make more obvious in different countries of the Euro zone?

7. What costs does the euro reduce?

8. What will increase employment in the EU?