Употребление the Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense

1. Постоянные ситуации или состояния.

My father works as an engineer. Мой отец работает инженером.

2. Повторяющиеся/привычные действия. В данном значении часто употребляются наречия: always всегда,often часто,usually обычно,never никогда,generally обычно, как правило,seldom редко,regularly регулярно,rarely редко,sometimes иногда,occasionally изредка,every day/week/month/year каждый(-ую) день/неделю/месяц/год и др. Указателями настоящего времени могут быть слова today сегодня,nowadays в наши дни; теперь,словосочетанияthis week на этой неделе,this month/year в этом месяце/году,at present в настоящее время и др. Причем наречия частотности (always,often,neverи др.) обычно ставятся перед глаголом. В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях – между вспомогательным глаголом и основным глаголом.

I often write letters to my sister. Doyou oftengoto the cinema? We dontoftenplay basketball. Я часто пишу письма своей сестре. Ты часто ходишь в кино? Мы не часто играем в баскетбол.

3. Общеизвестные факты или законы природы

The Earth goes round the Sun. Земля вращается вокруг Солнца.

4. Обзоры/спортивные комментарии и т. д.

And Eastwood passes the ball to Andrews. Иствуд передает мяч Эндрюсу.

5. Действия, совершающиеся в момент речи (вместоthe Present Continuous Tense) с глаголами, которые обычно не употребляются во временах группыContinuous(to see видеть, понимать,to hear слышать,tohateненавидеть,toloveлюбить и др.)

I thinkwe are wrong. Я считаю, что мы ошибаемся.

6. Расписания/программы (будущее значение).См. Будущие времена.the Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense and the Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense with a future meaning

The next train leaves in an hour. Следующий поезд отправляется через час.

7. В обстоятельственных придаточных предложениях условия и времени, которые вводятся союзами if если,unless если … не,provided that при условии если,when когда,until, till до тех пор, пока не,as soon as как только,as long as пока, before прежде чем и т. д. для описания будущих действий вместо the Future Simple (Indefinite) Tense.См. Будущие времена.Придаточные предложения времени и условия.

As soon as I writethe letter, I’ll post it immediately. Как только я напишу письмо, я сразу же его отправлю.



Exercise 1. Write the he/she/itforms of these verbs.


buy carry catch come cook copy do drink
enjoy fetch fix fry go listen live marry
miss play push read run smoke stand start
stay study think touch try watch wish write


Exercise 2. Give the correct form of the Present Simple of each verb.


1. I always ____ (listen) to the radio in the mornings.
2. It usually ____ (snow) here in the winter.
3. We ____ (watch) television every night.
4. They ____ (play) table tennis every Saturday.
5. She ____ (study) very hard at the weekends.
6. This computer ____ (belong) to Philip.
7. My parents usually ____ (come) to our house on Sundays.
8. She ____ (do) a lot of homework in the evenings
9. Lessons ____ (start) at 8 o’clock every morning.
10. The Earth ____ (go) round the Sun.



Exercise 3. Choose one verb to make each sentence negative.


Model: It doesnt snow very often in San Francisco. (snow, sing, play)


1. Tom’s really tired, but he ____ to go to bed. (see, want, pay)
2. I’m sorry – I ____ your name. (teach, help, remember)
3. He lives in Spain, but he ____ a word of Spanish. (sing, speak, listen)
4. Helen’s parents ____ I’m the right man for their daughter. (call, think, look)
5. She works in London, but I ____ what she does. (know, read, come)
6. We ____ a big flat – just one bedroom. (remember, write, want)
7. Philip ____ very hard, but he makes a lot of money. (work, take, get)
8. I like volleyball, but I ____ football at all. (change, like, make)


Exercise 4. You are asking somebody questions. Make questions with Do/Does.


Model: I don’t smoke. And you? Do you smoke?


1. I drink a lot of tea. And you?
2. I work very hard. And Mike?
3. I swim every morning. And they?
4. I don’t teach German. And Ann?
5. I drive very fast. And your brother?
6. I always go out on Saturdays. And you?
7. I play the piano. And Lora?
8. I understand Spanish. And your friends?
9. I like animals. And her children?
10. I usually go away at weekends. And your sister?


Exercise 5. Choose the correct question word and put in door does.


how how much what when where why how often


Model: Where do your children live?


1. ____ the holidays start?
2. ____ he visit his friends?
3. ____ they go every weekend?
4. ____ these apples cost?
5. ____ we learn chemistry?
6. ____ you pronounce this word?
7. ____ languages ____ he speak?


Exercise 6. Ask your group mate:


1. if he lives in a hostel;
2. if he gets up early in the morning;
3. how much time it takes him to get to the university;
4. if he always travels by bus;
5. when his classes begin;
6. where his brother studies;
7. how his friends usually spend weekends;
8. where his parents work.


Exercise 7. Rewrite the sentences putting the adverb in brackets in the correct place.


Model: They open the windows at night. (always)
They always open the windows at night.


1. We see our neighbours in the garden. (often)
2. Paul washes the car. (sometimes)
3. I write letters to my old school friends. (occasionally)
4. Lucy watches the football on television. (never)
5. Charlie doesn’t listen to music in the evening. (usually)
6. We go to the theater. (rarely)
Exercise 8. A. Look through the following information:
How often do you ____   1. get up early in the morning? 2. miss your classes? 3. go to the library? Peter and Helen Andrew you
always never often rarely usually sometimes ? ? ?
  B. Now write sentences about Peter and Helen, Andrew and yourself. Useoften/never/sometimes/usually/rarely/always.


Exercise 9. Some of these sentences are wrong. Correct the mistakes where necessary.


1. I not write many letters. I usually use the telephone.
2. What time the film starts?
3. I take the dog for a walk every day.
4. Each substance melt at definite temperature.
5. They go swimming last weekend.
6. I drink a lot of tea with my breakfast.
7. You never help me with my homework.
8. My car don’t work when it is cold.
9. Do she finish work at five o’clock?
10. Peter visits his grandparents at the weekend often.


Exercise 10. A. Julie is asking Ann about her visits to the cinema. Complete their conversation.
Julie: Ann: Julie: Ann: Julie: Ann: Julie: Ann: Julie: Ann: Julie: Ann: Julie: Ann: Julie: Ann: Julie: Ann: Model: How often do you go to the cinema? Usually once a week. 1.__________ alone? No, with my boy-friend. 2.__________ there? We always take a bus. 3.__________? It takes us 15 minutes to get there. 4.__________? £5.00. 5.__________? We usually sit at the back of the cinema. 6.__________? All kinds of films, especially comedies. 7.__________ film? My favourite is “Laws of Attraction”. 8.__________ anything, for example, ice-cream? No, I don’t, but I usually have a coke.
  B. Now write the Ann’s answers in a short paragraph.

Ann usually goes to the cinema once a week with a boy-friend. She 1.____ to the cinema by bus. It 2.____her 15 minutes to get there. The ticket 3.____ £5.00 and she 4.____ at the back of the cinema. She 5.____ all kinds of films, especially comedies. Her favourite film 6.____.“Laws of Attraction”. She 7.____ anything but she usually 8.____ a coke.


  C. What about you? Do you go to the cinema? Write a short paragraph like the one above.