Дисциплина - Технология: страница индекса материалов -182 Страница
- I. Паспорт комплекта оценочных средств.;
- I. Дайте англійські еквіваленти з наступних з тексту.;
- I. Абсолютные натуральные технико-экономические показатели;
- I. Profondeur de pénétration de l’aiguille ГОСТ 11501-78;
- I. Choose the correct grammar form;
- I. Choose the correct grammar form;
- I – interviewer; B - Begona;
- I was responsible for the accident and I blame ..... for it.;
- I shall be here until tomorrow / Estaré aquí hasta mañana I shall be here till tomorrow;
- Hydrogen; species; continues; table;
- Hybriden der Firma Schwab-;
- How to Start Making Baby Clothes Last;
- How Climate Influences on Clothes;
- Homophony, homonymy and polysemy;
- Holiday Marketing - Retailers are Vying for Consumers Using the Top Trends and Strategies;
- Hochelaga (плотина бобров);
- Hlavní výhody VPN;
- High Cohesion (Сильное сцепление);
- Healyovští[19] trockisté si povšimli Trockého linie a vítají Gorbačovovu Perestrojku;
- Haren som hadde vært gift;
- Hanen, gauken og århanen;
- Hanen som falt i bryggekaret;
- Hanen og høna i nøtteskogen;
- Han far sjøl i stua;
- Hall of Organ and Chamber Music;
- Hall of Organ and Chamber Music;
- H. P. Grice’s Theory of Meaning and Communicative Intentions;
- H. P. Grice’s Definition of Conversational Implicature;
- H) Introduces Literary Heritage;
- Høna tripper i berget;
- Həzrəti-Zəhra(s.ə)-nın təvəllüdü.;
- Həzrəti-Zəhra(s.ə)-nın şəhadətinin qəmli anları.;
- GНе забывайте часто выполнять сохранение книги, чтобы избежать случайной потери данных.;
- Gutten som ville fri til datter til mor i kroken;
- Gutten som ville bli handelskar;
- Gutten som skulle tjene tre år uten lønn;
- Gutten som gjorde seg til løve, falk og maur;
- Gutten som gikk til nordenvinden og krevde igjen melet;
- Gutten med øldunken;
- Gullslottet som hang i luften;
- Guess the word or word combination by its definition.;
- Grisen og levemåten hans;
- Greece Myths: Pygmalion and Galatea;
- Great Kazakh communicators;
- Great British communicators;
- Great Britain consists of ..... parts.;
- Grammar: Sequence of Tenses;
- Grain-size ~гранулометрическая шкала 7 страница;
- Grain-size ~гранулометрическая шкала 6 страница;
- Grain-size ~гранулометрическая шкала 5 страница;
- Grain-size ~гранулометрическая шкала 4 страница;
- Grain-size ~гранулометрическая шкала 3 страница;
- Grain-size ~гранулометрическая шкала 2 страница;
- Grain-size ~гранулометрическая шкала 1 страница;
- Government-Financed and -Operated Schools;
- Google оштрафуют из-за нарушения авторских прав;
- Give your schoolmates some advise on what they need to do to create a favourable impression either at a job interview or at an important exam.;
- Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.;
- Give me some advice on what to do in my free time.;
- Give me some advice on how to create a positive impression on the employer at a job interview.;
- Give adjectival collocations to the following;
- Getting a Job in the USA, in KZ;
- Gesamtwirtschaftl. Betrachtungsweise Einzelwirtschaftl. Betrachtungsweise;
- Germanic Umlaut. West Germanic languages;
- GENRES of Children’s Literature;
- GBThe comp. of Br, government.The role of Br. Prime Minister and the Cabinet. The Term ‘Shadow Cabinet;
- GB.Further education- all post school education.;
- GB The formation, development and role of the Commonwealth of the Nation in the world and of the Britain’s contribution.;
- Garter stitch ( garter st, gst );
- GaAs СБИС на основе полевых транзисторов Шоттки.;
- Function and structure of the navigation channel signals VOR;
- From professional literature;
- From media literacy to digital skills;
- Frequency method of distance measuring;
- French and Indian War 1754-1763;
- Freilich sehr viel Licht, soll aber sehr;
- For questions 41-75 read the sentences and decide which answer 1,2,3,4 or 5 best fits each space.;
- For questions 26-75 read the sentences and decide which answer, 1,2,3,4 or 5, best fits each space.;
- for foreign medical students;
- Folge 3. Yippie!! Noch mehr Arsch, noch weniger Sex!;
- Five Key Wardrobe Investments for This Autumn-winter;
- Finnmarksvidda, februar 1893, et sted østenfor Maze;
- Finnmarksvidda, desember 1893;
- Finnmarksvidda, øst for Masi, oktober 1893;
- Finish the sentences in your own words.;
- Finding Designs that Flatter You;
- Find the joint entropy of coin tossing and dice tossing.;
- Find the general solution of the differential equation allowing reduction of order;
- Find a rough feed: hay, straw, field crop wastes;
- Finance and Accounting issues;
- Fillmore Ch. Deictic Categories in the Semantics of ‘Come’ / Charles J. Fillmore // Foundations of Language. – 1966. – vol. 2. – P. 219-227.;
- Fill in the gaps or finish the sentences.;
- Fill in the gaps or finish the sentences.;
- Fill in the gaps or finish the sentences.;
- Fill in the gaps or finish the sentences.;
- Fill in the gaps or finish the sentences.;
- Fiber-optic communication lines;
- Feasibility study of the project;
- Fce zlata ve vyvoje papirovych penez.;
- Fatimə(s.ə)-nin zöhd və təqvasından nümunələr.;
- Fatimə(s.ə)-nin Peyğəmbər(s)-in yazdığı vəsiyyətə olan ehtiramı.;
- Fast, early, hard, long, near, high, low, soon, easy, slow, loud, quick.;
- Eyx Əzərinin münasibəti.;
- Expressive means in syntax based on;
- Express the following messages in the given situations using any strategy of communicating the meaning (words, phrases, exclamations, gestures etc);
- Experiencer, location, source, goal;
- Exercise 6. Find corresponding equivalents;
- Exercise 6 Put five questions to the text.;
- Exercise 5 Tell whether each of the following statements is true or false, according to the article. Correct the false statements to make them true.;
- Exercise 4 Give the definitions to the following processes of solid-state welding. Discuss the possibilities of their usage.;
- Exercise 4 Find in the text five sentences used in Passive Voice.;
- Exercise 4 Discuss in the group advantages and disadvantages of soldering and brazing metals compared with electric welding methods.;
- Exercise 3 Based on what you have read, match each of the arc welding methods with its description.;
- Exercise 1: Extracting main ideas;
- Exercise 14. Put the verbs into the correct form: present simple or present continuous.;
- Exercise 10. Read the whole text again. Write an abstract of the text in three sentences.;
- Exercise 1.Complete the sentences with the suggested words: away, about, by, into, times;
- Exercise 1.Complete the sentences with the suggested words: are, the other, not, in, to;
- Exercise 1. Заполните пропуски инфинитивом или герундием;
- Exercise 1. Find the cases of peculiar linkage, colloquial constructions and stylistic use of structural meaning.;
- Exercise 1. Choose the correct ending to each sentence (according to the text).;
- Examples of reviews. Review One Three comrades;
- Example: every morning – What time do you get up every morning? – I get up at 7.30 every morning.;
- Ex.2. Do you agree or not? Give a reason for your opinion;
- Ex.1. Give examples of different advertisements illustrating the effects shown in the text above;
- Ex. 6. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.;
- Evolução dos processadores;
- Euroweek School of Leaders!;
- Europejski Trybunał Praw Człowieka (European Court of Human Rights) z siedzibą w Strasburgu;
- Et. mis non tamen ign. um, & ab ipƒ.vo;
- Establishments of a Grand Priory;
- Equipment forming control signals and management;
- Entrepreneurship Education and Information Professionals;
- Englisch fallt mir als Deutschleichter;
- Engineering calculation оn vеntilаtiоn;
- En sommernatt på Krokskogen;
- En søndagskveld til seters 8 страница;
- En søndagskveld til seters 7 страница;
- En søndagskveld til seters 6 страница;
- En søndagskveld til seters 5 страница;
- En søndagskveld til seters 4 страница;
- En søndagskveld til seters 3 страница;
- En søndagskveld til seters 2 страница;
- En søndagskveld til seters 1 страница;
- En aftenstund i et proprietærkjøkken;
- En aften i nabogården;
- Eliciting from meaning and form in a crossword;
- Elektronická prezentace, řečnická struktura;
- Electron-deficient structure;
- Einordnung der VWL in dem System der Wissenschaft;
- Education in Great Britain;
- E. Високій кишковій непрохідності;
- E. Graph analysis (8 pts).;
- E. Graph analysis (8 pts).;
- E) кварцево-золоторудные (Васильковское, Бестобе, Степняк, Жолымбет, Ак-су;
- E) были образованы крупные нефтяные месторождения Прикаспия: Тенгиз, Карачаганак;
- E) Which football team does have the most supporters?;
- E) Tom says that there were three rooms in their flat.;
- E) level of a public danger.;
- Dumme menn og troll til kjerringer;
- Dubrovnik - nastanak i razvoj grada;
- Dubrovaиko- neretvanska ћupanija;
- Doménové jméno;
- Doktor der Ingenieurwissenschaften, Professor W.D.Kusovyk;
- Doctor of Engineering, Professor;
- Do rejestru płatników składek na ubezpieczenie społeczne.;
- Do Re Mi Pa Sol Ra Si and Do;
- Distance Measuring Equipment system;
- Display Operation instruction;
- Disperate; vibrations; commonalities; symmetry; predication; carbonyl; spectra; tool;
- Discuss the following with your partner.;
- Direcţiile principale în dezvoltarea vocabularului;
- Dinlərlə tanışlıq I kurs- II semestr;
- Digital transmission systems;
- Differentiation Focus Strategy;
- Differences in Business Negotiations between Different Cultures;
- Dieser Anzug sieht gut ausschwarze;
- Dialogo 1 – Ci ritroveremo all’inferno!;
- Dezvoltarea vorbirii la preşcolari;
- Dezvoltarea vorbirii la preşcolari;
- Determination of costs for website creation;
- Det har ingen nød med den som alle kvinnfolk er glad i;
- Det blå båndet;
- Describe different alternative holiday types.;
- Describe a tourist destination located in your country.;
- Den rettferdige firskilling;
- Definuj pojem barva, co to je barva, jak barva vzniká, jaké moduly barev známe a které přístroje tyto moduly používají?;
- Definition; to contain; to include; main; transition;
- Defining / Non-Defining Relative clauses;